
Welcome to the statistics page of Realms! Everything here auto-updates once an hour, so these stats are up-to-date. These statistics are only for characters who have reached level 3 or above.

  /\                                      \
 /  | Only characters who have reached     |
 \  | at least level 3 are counted for the |
  \_| stone scroll.                        |
    |                                      |
    |   Highest Player : Olga              |
    |   Richest Player : Ahsoka            |
    |   Longest Played : Joan              |
    |   Best Pkiller   : Damion            |
    |   Most Spells    : Plu               |
    |   Explorer       : Barriss           |
    |                                      |
    | To view a specific category, type    |
    | "look stone <category>". The         |
    | categories are:                      |
    |         class                        |
    |         race                         |
    |         deity                        |
    |         breakdown                    |
    |                                      |
    | Last Updated:                        |
    | Sun Apr 28 09:03:46 2024 (Greenwich Mean Time). |
    |                                      |
    |    __________________________________|_
    \   /                                   /

  /\                                      \
 /  | Highest Player Based on Class        |
 \  |                                      |
  \_|                                      |
    | Assassin        : Newt               |
    | Bard            : Ladygaga           |
    | Berserker       : Thor               |
    | Cleric          : Olga               |
    | Death Knight    : Ardra              |
    | Druid           : Candy              |
    | Fighter         : Sulik              |
    | Lich            : Pox                |
    | Mage            : Phoebe             |
    | Monk            : Yoda               |
    | Paladin         : Cyric              |
    | Pureblood       : Damion             |
    | Ranger          : Mithas             |
    | Rogue           : Akki               |
    | Thief           : Mulva              |
    | Werewolf        : Usagi              |
    |                                      |
    | Cleric/Assassin : Nellie             |
    | Fighter/Mage    : Serra              |
    | Fighter/Thief   : Fubar              |
    | Mage/Assassin   : Kefka              |
    | Mage/Thief      : Zannah             |
    | Thief/Mage      : Ezra               |
    |                                      |
    |    __________________________________|_
    \   /                                   /

  /\                                      \
 /  | Highest Player Based on Race         |
 \  |                                      |
  \_|                                      |
    | Barbarian     : Marchion             |
    | Cambion       : Nellie               |
    | Dark-Elf      : Carrera              |
    | Dwarf         : Olga                 |
    | Elf           : Charmane             |
    | Gnome         : Voltaire             |
    | Goblin        : Tasslehoff           |
    | Half-Elf      : Tilnar               |
    | Half-Giant    : Hodor                |
    | Half-Orc      : Merton               |
    | Halfling      : Newt                 |
    | Human         : Sulik                |
    | Kataran       : Fubar                |
    | Kenku         : Dourek               |
    | Kobold        : Malys                |
    | Minotaur      : Ardra                |
    | Ogre          : Eva                  |
    | Orc           : Carpathia            |
    | Seraph        : Phoebe               |
    | Tiefling      : Plu                  |
    | Troll         : Ladygaga             |
    |                                      |
    |    __________________________________|_
    \   /                                   /

  /\                                      \
 /  | Highest Player Based on Deity        |
 \  |                                      |
  \_|                                      |
    | Arachnus      : Veyron               |
    | Aramon        : Ardra                |
    | Ares          : Wolfman              |
    | Ceris         : Galadriel            |
    | Enoch         : Cyric                |
    | Gradius       : Olga                 |
    | Kamira        : Ahsoka               |
    | Linothan      : Gilthas              |
    | Mara          : Melira               |
    |                                      |
    |    __________________________________|_
    \   /                                   /

  /\                                               \
 /  | Player Breakdown                              |
 \  |                                               |
  \_|                                               |
    | Assassin        :  6.1%     Barbarian :  1.9% |
    | Bard            :  4.5%       Cambion :  9.0% |
    | Berserker       :  6.2%      Dark-Elf :  6.0% |
    | Cleric          : 14.4%         Dwarf :  6.5% |
    | Death Knight    :  6.2%           Elf :  6.4% |
    | Druid           :  4.8%         Gnome :  1.1% |
    | Fighter         :  5.3%        Goblin :  4.1% |
    | Lich            :  3.9%      Half-Elf :  1.5% |
    | Mage            :  5.6%    Half-Giant :  3.3% |
    | Monk            :  5.0%      Half-Orc :  1.1% |
    | Paladin         :  6.1%      Halfling :  0.6% |
    | Pureblood       :  5.2%         Human : 29.8% |
    | Ranger          :  4.8%       Kataran :  7.7% |
    | Rogue           :  4.9%         Kenku :  0.5% |
    | Thief           :  3.2%        Kobold :  0.4% |
    | Werewolf        :  5.2%      Minotaur :  2.5% |
    |                                  Ogre :  2.4% |
    | Cleric/Assassin :  1.9%           Orc :  2.7% |
    | Fighter/Mage    :  1.3%        Seraph :  3.3% |
    | Fighter/Thief   :  1.5%      Tiefling :  2.7% |
    | Mage/Assassin   :  1.6%         Troll :  6.4% |
    | Mage/Thief      :  1.0%                       |
    | Thief/Mage      :  1.3%                       |
    |                                               |
    | Arachnus        :  2.0%                       |
    | Aramon          : 35.4%                       |
    | Ares            :  5.1%                       |
    | Ceris           : 10.2%                       |
    | Enoch           : 23.8%                       |
    | Gradius         : 12.7%                       |
    | Kamira          :  6.5%                       |
    | Linothan        :  2.5%                       |
    | Mara            :  1.7%                       |
    |                                               |
    | deity breakdown is limited to classes         |
    | pledged to a god.                             |
    |                                               |
    |    ___________________________________________|_
    \   /                                            /